
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Blog Tour: Love is Everything by Elsie Hillman-Gordon

Book Title: Love Is Everything
Author: Elsie Hillman-Gordon
Genre: Fiction, Inspirational, Christian, Romance
Book Release Date:  May 30, 2014
Paperback: 106 pages

ISBN-10: 1496112458
ISBN-13: 978-1496112453

About The Author

Award-winning author Elsie Hillman-Gordon published her first fiction novella, Love Is Everything, in May 2014. Her book received the Gold/1st Place award for *Best Short Story* in the 2015 Feathered Quill Book Awards Program.
Elsie lives in Washington, DC with her husband. She holds a BA in English and executive graduate certificates in editorial practices and marketing. She has worked for several media organizations, including NPR. In her free time, she stays busy supporting community outreach projects sponsored through her sorority, church, and non-profit organizations.
Elsie’s passion is creative writing, but she also enjoys live theater, movies, reading, and long walks on autumn days. She believes in random acts of kindness and encouraging people to reach for their dreams.

About The Book
Do you like to read inspirational fiction? Do you believe that people who have loved and lost can find true love again, that a hurting heart can heal, and that God’s love will see you through difficult times? If so, you’ll enjoy reading Love Is Everything.
It’s the story of thirty-five year old Vanessa Dennison—a woman struggling to find joy in life and doubting her faith in God after losing her parents in a tragic accident. But after reluctantly accepting a blind date with Elliott Reeves, a handsome widower with a strong faith and young daughter, she embraces anew her relationship with God and the power of love.
Sweet and emotional, this tale of rediscovering love, faith, and hope is sure to touch your heart. It’s a must read for anyone who’s ever loved and lost, especially those still reluctant to take a chance on love.

2015 Author Questionnaire

Who designed the covers? 
I used the custom cover services of CreateSpace—an Amazon company. I worked closely with the design team, selected the final cover photo and worked with them on the colors and font types.
Do you read your reviews? Do you respond to them, good or bad? Do you have any advice on how to deal with the bad?
Yes, I do read reviews.  I’m feeling particularly blessed because so far they’ve all been positive.  In February 2015, Love Is Everything won the Gold/1st Place Award for Best Short Story by The Feathered Quill Book Award Program. As you might imagine, winning an award has certainly boosted my confidence, giving me something to lean on to offset any negative reviews.  J   
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? 
I want my writing to inspire and encourage readers to have faith in God and to know that in one way or another, everything’s going to be alright in the end—the love of God, family and friends will see us through our challenges.
Can you share your current projects?
Many readers are asking for a sequel to Love Is Everything—they’re not ready to let go of the characters.  And honestly, I’m not either. So, I’m mapping out ideas for a sequel, and also ideas for a non-fictional inspirational book.
What books have most influenced your life most? 
I wish I could point to specific books, but I can’t. I do enjoy autobiographies; stories of people who overcome challenges to realize their true potential or life’s work.
Do you ever experience writer's block?
I experienced writer’s block several times while writing Love Is Everything. And when it happened, I stopped writing until I felt a rush of news ideas.  I was under my own timeline to finish the story, not anybody else’s, so I gave myself the freedom to relax and go with the flow. 

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest? 
I’m currently reading a novel called Silver Sparrow by Tayari Jones. It’s interesting and I might eventually read her other books.
While you were writing, did you ever feel as if you were one of the characters? 
Yes, I connected with my main character, Vanessa, who is dealing with grief following the loss of her parents in an accident. While writing the story, I was also dealing with the loss of my mother.  So, a lot of the emotions that Vanessa experienced were quite real to me.
What are your expectations for the book?
As a first-time, independent author, I never expected to win a top book award, so you can imagine how thrilled I was (and still am) over the news.  Honestly, I just want readers to enjoy and be inspired by the story. 
Do you write an outline before every book you write?
I used an outline and intend to use one with future books. I can’t imagine working without one. 

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Tour Hosted by Write Now Literary

1 comment:

  1. Jessica: Thanks very much for introducing your blog followers to my book, 'Love Is Everything.' If I can answer any specific questions about the story, please post them and I will check back later and reply. Have a lovely day!

    Elsie Hillman-Gordon
    Author, Love Is Everything
