
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Blog Changes

Hello all! I hope this week has brought you many exciting things! If you haven't noticed yet, I have a new tab at the top the my blog called "Book Review Archive".
In this marvelous new tab, I have created an alphabetized list of all of the books that I have reviewed, including novellas and children's picture books. They are organized both by author's name and by book title. Please check it out and give me feedback. If I have any error, please feel free to let me know. I created this archive in order to make it easier for you to find a specific book that I have reviewed. 

As always, I still have the "Browse by Topic" module on the right side of the blog for you to find books by genre and also to find posts that I may have put up during certain events, like the Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon (which is coming up again very soon).

I have also begun something else. I have started using AdSense to display ads on the right hand side of my blog. I will get a small profit for displaying the ads based on how many times my blog in viewed. I never intended this blog to be used to earn money, but I am putting an increasing amount of time into blogging, reading, and reviewing books. I am hoping to use this money to help support the blog by being able to buy more books that I am interested in to review.

Finally, I may begin occasionally reviewing non-book items, such as cooking supplies, that I receive for review. This will not effect the overall content of my blog; this will always be a blog about books. I just hope to supplement what I am already reviewing on the site and bring items to you that you may be interested in.

Please leave your thoughts about these additions to the blog in the comments below.  I would love to hear your thoughts!

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