
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Bout of Books 13 Day 3 Challenge: Book Haiku

Today's Bout of Books Challenge is hosted by Kristina Horner and can be found here. For today's challenge, you need to right a haiku about the book that you are currently reading.

I am currently reading Choosing by Rachelle Dekker. This is a Christian Dystopian novel written by Ted Dekker's daughter.

Here is my haiku:

Carrington. Not chosen.
Lowest rank of society.
Now she is worthless.

To understand my haiku, you must understand a little about the storyline. Carrington is in a society where females train their whole lives to be chosen for marriage. This is not what happens for Carrington. She is not chosen by anyone and instead she must be a lint, the lowest member of society, and she must never marry. Even though she tested high and there was almost no way she would not be chosen, she was not chosen and now she feels worthless.

Even though I have only read approximately 30 pages of this 500 page book, I am in love with it so far. Rachelle Dekker's writing is truly amazing and engaging.

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