
Friday, May 22, 2015

Participation Announcement: Booking Through Summer Reading Challenge

Booking Through Summer Reading Challenge
I am happy to announce that I will be participating in the Booking Through Summer Reading Challenge which is hosted by kimberlyfaye reads and BookNerd Betsy. This challenge is reminiscent of the Book It Reading Challenges that school age kids would participate in over the summer. 

This challenge takes place from Memorial Day to Labor Day and you can enter daily to read prizes by linking up reviews that you have written (either at Goodreads, a major retailer's website, or on your blog) of books that you have read throughout the summer. In addition to these prizes, there will also be weekly challenge hosts that will give away prizes associated with there challenge. How cool is that? You get to do what you love and sign up for a chance to win prizes!

You can find more information about the reading challenge here and here at the hosts' blogs. You can also sign up to participate in this challenge. I know you want to :)

Are you participating in this reading challenge? What books are you most likely reading this summer? Leave your thoughts in the comments or tweet me at @blog_gal

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