
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Release Day Review: The Choosing by Rachelle Dekker

Title: The Choosing

Series: Seer (Book 1)

Authors: Deborah Raney

Publish Date: May 19, 2015

Genre: Christian Dystopian

Why I Read this Book: I received this book from the publisher (Tyndale House) in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influenced my review.


About the Book (from Goodreads):  

“Not to be Chosen would yield a cruel fate of my own making.”

Like all citizens since the Ruining, Carrington Hale knows the importance of this day. But she never expected the moment she’d spent a lifetime preparing for—her Choosing ceremony—would end in disaster. Ripped from her family, she’ll spend her days serving as a Lint, the lowest level of society. She knows it’s her duty to follow the true way of the Authority. 

But as Carrington begins this nightmare, rumors of rebellion rattle her beliefs. The whispers contradict everything she’s been told; yet they resonate deep within. 

Then Carrington is offered an unprecedented chance at the life she’s always dreamed of, but she can’t shake the feeling that it may be an illusion. With a killer targeting Lints and corruption threatening the highest levels of the Authority, Carrington must uncover the truth before it destroys her.

About the Book from the Author:


This book was nothing like I expected. I have read several of her Father's books (Ted Dekker) and I have loved them, but Rachelle Dekker brings something new to the table. I have wished for a long time to find a Christian Dystopian novel and was excited to see this book available for review from Tyndale House.

I expected the typical Dystopian novel, but this book brought so much more. There is an underlying message of worth and where your worth comes from. The underlying Christian themes reminded my of God's love for all of His children. It made me feel whole and wanted by a loving God.

In many Dystopian novels, you are left with a feeling of loss and sadness. Many dystopian novels do not have a happy ending, but instead leave you feeling depressed. The Choosing is different.  Although there are dark themes throughout the book, the overall feeling is happiness and hope.

The Choosing is an action packed novel set in a world where a woman's worth comes from being chosen to be a wife. Carrington, the main female character, is shown that there may be more to life than just being chosen and that there may be another way to evaluate her worth.

Although The Choosing was somewhat predictable, the underlying message of the novel and the story in general was exciting, fast-paced, and incredibly enjoyable.

I would recommend this to anyone looking for a different kind of Dystopian novel, one filled with hope without lacking any of the action that we Dystopian lovers enjoy.

Final Statements

Recommended Reading Age: 13+ for dark themes

Overall Rating: 5/5

1 comment:

  1. I loved this book. I will be reviewing it on Monday! I know this is last minute but I wanted to see if you would be interested in a new blog series I am starting in which I chat via google hangout about a book we read and are reviewing. I would record it an upload it to youtube. Would you be able to meet via google hangout Thursday around 8:30 pm EST? my email is
