
Monday, June 1, 2015

#TBRTakedown Readathon TBR and Goals

The #TBRTakedown readathon takes place from June 1 through June 7 and is hosted by leaninglights on Youtube. You can find the official announcement video here. This readathon has 5 challenges. Here are the challenges and the books that I am going to try to read:

  1. A book that's been on your TBR shelf over a year!
    • Nettles by Ronnie Johnson
  2. An unread sequel sitting on your TBR shelf.
    • Shadowed by Kariss Lynch
  3. A first book in a series on your TBR shelf.
    • Shaken by Kariss Lynch
  4. An "out of your comfort zone" book on your TBR shelf!
    • Almost Perfect by Diane Daniels Manning
  5. A book from your most recent book haul!
    • The Fixer by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

If you want to know more about these books, please check out this goodreads shelf that I created.

I probably won't read all of these books this week, but I hope to get through a chunk of them. I have a really busy week this week because I am a graduate student, but while reactions are running (such as PCR reactions) I should be able to get a good amount of reading completed.

Are you participating in this readathon? What are your goals? What have you read recently? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below or tweet me @blog_gal.

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