
Friday, June 5, 2015

#TBRTakedown Readathon Daily Update Post (Complete Thread)

Today, I have my wrap-up post for the #TBRTakedown Readathon. I have it broken up by what I read on each day of the readathon. Also as a reminder, there were 5 challenges for this readathon and these are discussed in length in my TBR post.


I read the first 19o pages (out of 304) of Shaken by Kariss Lynch.  This book I used for the "First in a Series" challenge. I also read 3% (approximately 11 pages) of an e-book that I recently hauled from Netgalley, The Fixer by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. I loved the beginning of both of these novels. Initially, I planned on not reading two books at the same time because I thought that I would finish more books this way, but I started The Fixer because I needed a break from Shaken. Shaken has a very intense book and I ended up crying for over an hour during the section that I ended on. I wanted an action-packed novel to pick me up.

Today's Page Count: 201
Total Page Count: 201


I read 36 more pages of Shaken for the "First in the Series" challenge. I also read 55% (about 211 pages) of The Fixer. I was not planning on reading so much today, but I was really hooked on The Fixer.

Today's Page Count: 247
Total Page Count: 448

Wednesday & Thursday

I did not read much on Wednesday and did not really track my progress, but on Wednesday and Thursday I read the last 78 pages of Shaken. I absolutely loved this book and cannot wait to pick up the second in the series, Shadowed. I gave this book 5/5 stars and I will have a review of this book up on my blog Tuesday.

Today's Page Count: 78
Total Page Count: 526


I read the last 42% (approximately 161 pages) of The Fixer. I loved this book and gave it a 4.5/5 stars. I will have a review of The Fixer on my blog on the release day which is July 7, 2015.

I also started Almost Perfect by Diane Daniels Manning for my "Out of My Comfort Zone" challenge. Almost Perfect is a young adult fiction novel about 70 year old dog breeder and her teenage neighbor who has autism and who has desperately wanted a puppy all his life.  I usually read YA dystopian, fantasy or adult clean romance novels, so this book is out of the ordinary for me. I read 27 pages of Almost Perfect today.

I was enjoying Almost Perfect, but was not in the mood for this type of books today; it was too slow of a pace. So I picked up Shadowed by Kariss Lynch for the "Unread Sequeal" challenge. This is the sequel to Shaken that a read earlier this week. I read 15 pages of Shadowed today and I am really enjoying it. So far, it is a very fast-paced book, just like Shaken, and this is really what I think I need at this point in the readathon.

Today's Page Count: 203
Total Page Count: 729


Today was a rough reading day for me. I am getting a tooth pulled on Tuesday and until then I am on pain medicine that is making me drowsy. I really wanted to read today, but it was hard to keep my interest up.

I read 62 pages of Shadowed. I am not enjoying this book as much as I enjoyed the first in the series. Although the series is written in third person, each chapter focuses on one of the two main characters: Kaylan or her boyfriend Nick. The first book, Shaken, was mainly about Kaylan and Shadowed seems to be mainly about Nick. Nick is a SEAL and although I appreciate that he serves our country in this series I am finding it more difficult to connect to his story line.

I also read 20 pages of Almost Perfect. Although I am enjoying the story, I don't think this is the book that I am in the mood to read today.

Today's Page Count: 82
Total Page Count: 811


I read 102 pages of Shadowed. I am really enjoying this book.

Today's Page Count: 102
Total Page Count: 913


Total Page Count: 913
Books Started: 4
Books Complete: 2

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