
Monday, May 4, 2015

Re-readathon TBR Grab Pile

This week is the re-readathon, hosted by An Armchair By the Sea. The official post about the re-readathon can be found here. In this post, I talk about my TBR grab pile and goals. I have final exams this week and family coming in, but I hope to read some this week.

TBR Pile
I have a few books that I would like to re-read are novellas. Here they are:

The next set of books that I am thinking about re-reading is some of the Harry Potter series.  I just recently got a new set of them because these new covers are gorgeous and my old set is a little worn out. Check out my instagram post about it below:

A photo posted by Jessica Bradley (@blog_gal) on

So that is my TBR pile.  Are you joining in on the readathon? What are your goals? What are you reading this week?

1 comment:

  1. That is a gorgeous set of Harry Potter books! I thought about rereading them this week but then I think I've probably reread them more than anything else except the Little Women series so eventually I decided to just stick to rereading stuff I don't remember as well. I'll almost definitely be rereading Potter at some point this year though. Glad to have you joining us!
