
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Re-readathon (May 4-10) Update Complete Thread

The re-readathon, hosted by An Armchair by the Sea, is happening this week. The goal is to re-read books you have previously read. More information can be found here.

Previously, I discussed my TBR grab pile. For this post, I plan to update it daily with my reading updates. For more frequent updates, follow my on Twitter (@blog_gal) or on Goodreads.

Day 1- Monday

I was not able to read any today due to working on my take-home final exams for college.

Day 2- Tuesday

I read 47% of a novella, A December Bride by Denise Hunter (approximately 42/88 pages).

Day 3- Wednesday

I completed the challenge for the day and participated in the twitter chat (woohoo!). Here is my challenge post.

I also read from 47% to 80% in A December Bride (approximately 29 pages today and 71/88 pages total).

Day 4-Thursday

I completed A December Bride (read approximately 17 pages).

I started A January Bride and read 9% (approximately 11 pages).

That's a Wrap

I was unable to read the rest of the days. I read a total of 99 pages during the readathon. Due to the week being busy, I am proud of my progress.

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