
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Rereadathon Challenge: What is your most read book?

As you may know, this week is the re-readathon, where you re-read some of your favorite books. I am taking a break from exams and doing a challenge for the re-readathon.

Here is the challenge (from the official post):
The thing I want to know is, do you have a book that you read over and over (or one that you collect multiple copies of)? Why do you read it so much? What is it that keeps you coming back to it? Basically I want to know whatever you want to tell me about this particular rereading experience!
 My most re-read book is probably the book of Esther from the Bible. I love that Esther stood up for her people (the Jews) even though she risked her life to do so. My husband and I collectively have about 10 or more copies of the Bible, in different translations.

My most re-read fiction book would be Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  I have read this book around 5 times (maybe more). I own 5 copies of the book now: 2 UK paperbacks, 2 US paperbacks, and 1 US hardcover.  The US hardcover is special to me because my great-grandfather gave me the book when I was young and wrote a special message inside of the cover.  Sadly, he has passed away and that is a great memory that I have from him.

One reason that I have read this book so many times is I have the hopes of re-reading to whole series. I always start there and then almost never continue reading the series because I feel guilt about my TBR growing. Another reason is because J.K. Rowling is amazing! Enough said :)

What is your most read book? Please let me know in the comments or on Twitter (@blog_gal).


  1. Probably Anne of Green Gables..
    HapPy re-reading :)

  2. I always loved the book of Esther sister is named Esther after Queen Esther which is awesome! I do the same with Harry Potter - I've read the first one or even about the first three waaaay more than the rest!
