
Monday, June 8, 2015

Book Review: Shaken by Kariss Lynch

Title: Shaken

Series: Heart of a Warrior (Book 1)

Author: Kariss Lynch

Publish Date: February 4, 2014

Genre: Adult Christian Romance

Why I Read this Book: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influenced my review of this novel.






About the Book (from Goodreads):  

When her world is shaken, will her foundation survive?
Idealistic and sheltered with a passion to change the world, Kaylan Richards leaves her comfortable life in Alabama to serve in poverty-stricken Haiti. Despite her inexperience and the opposition of a voodoo priest, Kaylan develops a love for the country and the Haitian people. But something deadly is about to strike.

It is the worst earthquake the country has ever seen, and in its aftermath bodies, buildings, and broken lives litter the streets. People she cares about are dead, and Kaylan is caught in the middle of the destruction, questioning a God who said He was good.

Navy SEAL Nick Carmichael never planned to find a girl he loved more than his country. Now she is a world away, trapped in a deadly situation nothing could have prepared her for. Can Nick’s love help Kaylan heal and show her the God who never abandoned her, or will tragedy shake even the most rooted faith?


Shaken gave me all the feels. I usually do not cry while reading books, but while I was reading Shaken I cried for at least an hour.

I connected so well with all of the characters. Kariss Lynch's writing style is so incredible that I cannot even express how much I enjoyed it. I read 3/4 of this book in one day which I only do with books that I love immensely.

My favorite part of Shaken was how God's love was expressed through difficult situations. I am accostomed to Christian romance novels being happy and sappy, but this novel was more realistic. It expressed the struggles of living in the world, but not being of the world.

Additionally, I loved this book because I felt like I was in the novel. Much of Shaken is set in Haiti.  I have never been to Haiti, but I felt as if I was there with the characters. I felt like their friends were my friends.

I feel like everyone would find something in this novel with which they could connect; Therefore, I would recommend this novel to anyone and everyone. 

Final Statements

Recommended Reading Age: 13+ for intense action

Overall Rating: 5/5

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