
Monday, June 8, 2015

#CasualReadathonJ Readathon TBR and Daily Update Post (June 8-14)

The #CasualReadathonJ readathon is happening this week from June 8th-14th (Monday-Sunday) and I am participating. This readathon is hosted by BookaMeggle on Youtube (@lizameggle on twitter). This post is going to include my TBR for the challenges along with my daily updates on my progress. Here are the challenges associated with this readathon:
  1. Read 2 books.
  2. Read a book with blue on it.
  3. Read a book that has been on your TBR forever.
There are also some "overachiever" challenges, which are:
  1. Read 4 books.
  2. Read a book with red on it.
  3. Read a book with over 400 pages.
For this readathon, I am going to have a "TBR grab pile". I call it a grab pile because I do not plan on reading all the books in the list. I am very much a mood reader. Therefore, I make a grab pile of books that I choose from. Here is my TBR for this readathon grab bag:

I finished the last 111 pages of Shadowed by Kariss Lynch, the second book in the Heart of a Warrior series. I loved the first two books in this series. I gave Shadowed a 4/5 stars. A review will be up on my blog on Saturday.

Today's Page Count: 111
Total Page Count: 111


I read 76 pages of The Princess Diaries which was not initially on my TBR, but I received it in the mail as part of a #booksfortrade deal that I did on Twitter. I have been wanting to read this series for a while, but I am not sure if I will continue the book. I really loved the movies as a young teenager and wanted to see if the book was as good. The main character, Mia, has really annoyed me thus far. She is really rude to everyone around her, but maybe that is because she is only 14. Also, there is a bit of talk about sex and other things that I do not think are appropriate.

I also started Half-Hearts and read 47 pages. I am not loving this book as of yet, but it definitely has some potential. This book has 582 pages and I am not sure if I will be able to complete this book during the readathon, but I am hoping to read a good chunk of this book. I received this book for review from the author and I hope to be able to review the book soon. With that being said, this book is a fantasy novel and I haven't read fantasy in quite a long time so I am excited to read another fantasy. Lately, I have read a lot of Christian Fiction and middle grade novels.

Today's Page Count: 123
Total Page Count: 234

Wednesday - in progress

I continued Half-Hearts by reading 71 pages. I am really beginning to enjoy this book. It is an amazing fantasy novel. The writing isn't excellent but the plot is amazing.

Today's Page Count: 71
Total Page Count: 305


I continued Half-Hearts and read 50 pages. I was only able to read for about an hour yesterday. I hope to read more tomorrow and Saturday.

Today's Page Count: 50
Total Page Count: 355

Friday, Saturday, & Sunday

I continued Half-Hearts and read 120 pages. I am really loving this book and hope to finish it in the next week.

The Weekend's Page Count: 120
Total Page Count: 475


Total Page Count: 475
Books Started Before the Readathon: 1
Books Started During the Readathon: 1
Books Completed: 1

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