
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon (April 25th 2015): Announcement of Participation

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Another readathon is coming up soon. It is another Dewey's 24 hour readathon! Woohoo!

Dewey's Readathon lasts for 24 hours and begins at the same time across the world (times canbe found here). It is full of hourly challenges, giveaways, cheerleading (#rahrahreadathon), and lots of reading. You can find more information about this readathon here. I participated in this readathon last October. You can find my posts about the October readathon at the following links:
As you can see, I get very excited about this readathon so I have a lot of exciting posts for the days leading up to the readathon. Here is the outline of the posts that I am planning for before the readathon:
  • Updated Book Recommendations for Readathons (Saturday, April 18)
  • Overall Goals (Wednesday, April 22)
  • Reading Goals and TBR Grab Pile (Friday, April 24)
Are you signed up for Dewey's 24H Readathon? If not, you can sign up here. Do you want to be a cheerleader? You can learn more about being a cheerleader and how to sign up here. Do you want to host a mini-challenge? You can sign up for hosting a mini-challenge here.

If you are signed up for the read-a-thon, what are your goals?  I would love to hear about your read-a-thon progress during and after the read-a-thon! Comment below or tweet me at @blog_gal.

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